JSON Web Token

Document Cassification: intern

Token Stucture

The B2B-PROXY could insert a JWT in the request header of each authenticated request. Regarding RFC7519 the JWT has the following spec:

The Payload:

According to the the field definitions of Google OpenID Userinfo the payload supports some of the registered claim names.

issALWAYSthe issuer of this token
iatALWAYSissued at <DATETIME> represented in Unix time (integer seconds)
expALWAYSexpires at <DATETIME> represented in Unix time (integer seconds)
subALWAYSsubject of the token – unique identifier in B2B of the person known as VCDgid
audALWAYSaudience that this ID token is intended for – the basedir or context root the token was created for – the URI up to the first slash

There are also some extensions by B2B

iss-locOPTIONALthe Issuer Location ‐ in B2B the network zone where the issuing Proxy is placed
uidOPTIONALthe UserId – in B2B this is the ProfileID similar to the uid found in the LDAP – always uppercase – optional, could be missing if the proxy could not detect the profileid, e.g. profileselect has to be called. For applications not be part of the authentication process this attribute should always be filled.
atlALWAYSthe authlevel, integer
  • 10 – user + password authentication, e.g. basic authentication sufficient for accessing internal data
  • 100 – strong authentication sufficient for accessing confidential data
  • 200 – strong authentication sufficient for accessing secret data
aalOPTIONALAuthenticator Assurance Level, interger (0 — 3). This claim denotes the authentication contexts that the user authentication has satisfied regarding the NIST Authentication Mechanism Levels
  • 0 – no authentication
  • 1 – user / password
  • 2 – user / password + TOTP or RSA-Token
  • 3 – PKI-Card

Rotate Sign Keys:

OpenID Connect SignKey Rotation is supported. The jwts_uri is avaliable on any B2B-PROXY. The certificate used for validating the JWT could be downloaded from here. The certificate ist encapsulated in a JSON Object like described in rfc7517. During a period before and after activating a new signing certificate the JSON Object will contain both certificates, the old and the new one.

NameStyleServer relativ URI
jwts_uri rfc7517 JSON /config/public/b2brpx/protocol/openid-connect/certs/
simple certshuman readable /config/public/b2brpx/protocol/jwtsign/certs/

Example: jwts_uri on this proxy: /config/public/b2brpx/protocol/openid-connect/certs


The Request https://lso-ti.wob.vw.vwg/check/snoop.jsp extened by the additional Request-Header authn-jwt.

  "kid" : "B2BTIAxV6",
  "alg" : "RS256",
  "typ" : "JWT"

  "iss" : "B2B-PROXY",
  "iss-loc" : "VW-INTRA",
  "iat" : 1619096941,
  "exp" : 1619097900,
  "sub" : "151142F0D9CCDE8D",
  "uid" : "DL10HRS",
  "aal" : "3",
  "atl" : 200,
  "aud" : "/check/"