Introduction / Limitation
The login via is mentioned only for human users using a browser. Agents should use the API-Gateway B2BSYS, because the LSO-login contains many redirects, Style-Sheets and Java-Scripts elements, that are hard to follow for an agent but give a nice user experiance for humans working with a browser.
- First Requests of an URL secured behind (e.g.:
- the WebSEAL (ISAM-9) has no auth-session for this request. The WebSEAL sends its own login.html back instead of the required page. (response code 200 HTTP_OK)
- This injected login.html page contains a meta refresh header and an onload java script line that should force the browser to request the Lona-Login page. (e.g.: )
- LONA executes the complete authentication handshake (no authorization!). The user has to give his credentials (User/Password, User/RSA-Token or PKI-x509 certificate) and LONA validates it.
- After successful validation LONA sends a redirect to the initially requested URL with some additional EAI response headers.
- The WebSEAL reads and then strips these EAI headers out of response and adds its own set-cookie headers into the response to establish the auth-session.
- The Browse now follows the redirect and senda request to the initally requested URL. But now the requests contains the WebSEAL auth-session cookies.
- The WebSEAL checks now the auth-session. If the session is valid and not timed out the request could pass the WebSEAL. The WebSEAL adds some header fields containing the UserId and the Authlevel to the request.
- Every authenticated request will be send via a "Virtual Host Junction" to the B2B-Apache
- The B2B-Apache trusts the header fields added by the WebSEAL and
- checks authorization requirements (e.g. has the user the required LDAP resource)
- conditional redirects triggered by a (B2B-)special ldap attribute
- add the JWT-Token into the request header
- Finally the request will be forwarded by the B2B-Apache to the application specific backend.
There are two different Auth-Timeouts checked by the WebSEAL (ISAM-9):
- Inactive-Timeout = 31 minutes — If no request was sent by the client for time lasting longer than this timeout, the Auth-Session becomes invalid. If the client sends a requests after this he has to walk through the complete Auth-Flow again. This Timeout was chosen a litte bit longer than the max allowed Java-Session-Timeout (30 Minutes). So a valid Application-Session shouldn't be interrupted by this Timeout.
- Global-Timeout = 10 hours — An Auth-Session should not infinitely survive, even if there are permanently incomming requests. After the Global-Timeout is reached any Auth-Session becomes invalid and may has to be reesthablished by walking through the Auth-Flow.
Increasing these timeouts needs be to be approved by the Volkswagen Security Governace (ISSO)!